What my critics have in common.. The times in which we live: In the event we return to public health sanity across the globe someday, and my current outrage appears incomprehensible, I note at the outset that Australia has, at this writing, descended into public health totalitarianism, complete with mandatory apps designed to keep you..
Let this one sink in… “They adapted the mice using human fetal tissue by the way.” Not only is the Commie virus (Covid 19), a pathogen designed by human beings, its very engineering was made possible by human fetal cell tissue used to “humanize” mice.. It’s mentioned as an aside by Chris Waldburger here, but..
Christchurch, New Zealand • ICBTS News “They are coming in space suits, with needles!” Visibly frightened Taliban fighters huddled by the thousands, behind the high, razor wire fence of Christchurch International Airport in New Zealand Saturday, unable to find safe passage back to Afghanistan and safety. Abdul-Fattah Ahmadi, 27, scanned the distant hills for signs of..
Washington, DC • ICBTS News A visibly tired but excited Anthony Fauci told a select group of Washington reporters about a new product offering he’s dreamed of for years but was only recently able to launch: the vaccine of the month club. “It took a while to get all the moving parts together,” Fauci explained, “but..
A Vaccine That Adds Up to Nothing Let’s ponder some Pfizer vaccine numbers reported by Alex Berenson that you can’t really discuss without being banned by Twitter. Most of Berenson’s blogs are free, but his paid content is worth paying for. Here’s his report on Pfizer’s clinical trial. The study included 44,000 people, half of..
Can we think this through a bit? Nothing, absolutely nothing, about Covid adds up for me. Ponder a few largely indisputable facts, and then the reasonable questions those facts inspire… It was a man-made virus, hatched in a Communist laboratory, paid for, in part, by American tax dollars. Why? Gain of function research is defended..
Washington, DC • ICBTS News In a stunning turn of events, members of America’s economic underclass have shown they can master the difficult new electronic vaccine passport technology quite easily. For decades, poor working class people without college degrees have been thought completely unable to obtain tamper proof voter ID, but they are warming to the..
So, following on Bill De Blasio’s New York inoculation edict, I guess the Secretary of Defense is the most recent public authority to call for mandatory vaccination among active duty members of the armed forces. My abiding question: let’s just suppose, for the sake of argument, the good folks in public health, and the politicians who..
Albany, NY • ICBTS News In a move designed to restore two reputations at one time, Governor Cuomo has called in former NBC talking head, Matt Lauer, to manage the growing crisis surrounding instances of alleged sexual misconduct in the governor’s office. “The governor,” Lauer claimed, “is totally innocent in all of this. He was only doing..
Albany, NY • ICBTS News An anonymous female source inside Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office takes issue with a recent state report alleging sexual misconduct and harassment by the governor, calling it a “mostly safe” place to work. “There were times,” the source said, “when you could go in there and work for the governor for three or four..