Category: Dominion

Christ, The Word, The Church, The Republic

The Alec Baldwin Thing..

I’m not a lawyer, but.. The general assumption, when it comes to “expertise,” is the notion that if you gather several bona fide “experts” and ask them the same question within their field of study, you will get more or less the same answer. Either the world is getting more and more hopelessly complicated, or..

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Romans 13 Again..

Lots of people I respect, as people of faith and intellect, keep getting Romans 13 completely wrong, so I’ll try one more time… At the outset, this passage (“be subject to the governing authorities”) is likely THE most proof-texted passage in scripture.  People trot it out as though absolutely nothing else in the Word qualifies..

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Cowardice, Hot Tubs, Serial Killers, January 6th

Cowardice I have reason to believe we are all natural cowards, that it takes training and education and moral conviction to overcome our natural state.  Even if you ask experienced combat veterans about fear, they will tell you that only the truly insane are without it.  Those who are considered “brave” are the ones who..

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Christian Nationalism, By All Means

Even atheists should warm to the idea… Calm down.  This will not be a defense of theocracy.  My position here is fundamentally rooted in the American story itself, and the governing tools forged at Philadelphia in 1776.  (“Christian Nationalism” is NOT “white nationalism,” by the way;  people who make that claim don’t understand that Christianity..

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Pleasants For Mother’s Day

Not a typo.. Our daughter, in her new kitchen, made us “sheet pan frittatas” yesterday.  We took mimosas on the back porch, talked shop, watched our grandson, Silas, blowing bubbles, gave Mary a few presents, lazed on the lawn, napped, and parted.  In the driveway, on the way out, Mary gave voice to the reality..

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