“not a hair of his head will fall to the ground, for he did this today with God’s help..” My ongoing obsession with righteous disobedience to wicked authority isn’t just the product of my own contrarian, cranky nature. I see it so many times in the Bible that I thought I would begin making an inventory..
Category: Uncategorized
Without meaning we are all just brutes. By “meaning” I’m referring to a broad set of mythologies and shared cultural values that collectively drive both individuals and their nations. Societies with shared cultural reference points, like Japan, (family honor, fear of shame, thriftiness, self-denial, bravery) tend to be the kind that can turn a mountain..
The feed just keeps getting more and more weird. One minute we witness Rachel Maddow, unable to control her tears, in what seems like a genuinely felt lamentation about Trump’s 2018 “tender age shelters” for children of illegal immigrants, and the next minute Jeffrey Marsh is playing a gross fake-girl as he celebrates the idea that..
How Bad Does It Have to Get? If you aren’t at least a little troubled by Steve Kirsch’s most recent inventory of Covid absurdities or Dr. Pierre Kory’s frontline report indicating an increase in cardiac “crash cart” inventory along with a very disturbing tweet about increased demand for child sized caskets, then I’m guessing you, like most people,..
I don’t watch a lot of cable TV, but while traveling and taking in Gordon Ramsay’s “Nightmare Kitchen,” I was struck by the tonal difference between Ramsay brutally bringing restaurant owners to tears and a Facebook ad quietly assuring us their advanced algorithms and their community standards team had removed 17 million dangerous posts. On the..
Disclaimers Honoring what is left of the Fourth Amendment, I should say, at the outset there is nothing wrong with the right sort of privacy — good fences build good neighbors, don’t make love at the garden gate, keep your Stasi wiretaps out of my phone calls — all of that. No one should be..
Pure Misinformation The white-hot, laser-bright line between abject fear and totalitarianism was hugely on display, yesterday, in the Supreme Court’s hearing of a case calling into question the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate. I’m not a lawyer, nor even a student of the court, but I’ve read enough court transcripts to register, with high alarm,..
You mean a unisex world is a little confused? Picture the setting. You are one of perhaps a dozen men standing in a hot room full of two or three hundred hot women in hot yoga outfits contorting themselves in a kind of body poetry that all but the absolutely bloodless would consider at least..
I was hosting a small political gathering at my home. Bob Hope was to be the featured entertainer, and I marveled that he was still making appearances so long after he had passed on — and that he had agreed to perform for such a small, living room assembly. My father was there too, and..