There’s a little known encounter that took place shortly after Hernando Cortés’ band of soldiers gained victory over the Aztecs in 1519. After subduing Tenochtitlan, the native people began preparing for the festival of Toxcatl, in honor of their harvest god, Tezcatlipoca. When Cortés’ lieutenant, Pedro de Alvarado learned that this festival would climax in..
Tag: Hillary Clinton
The most effective response to terror on 9-11 came from the regular folk, the “let’s roll” citizens of flight 93. To get America back, we need less faith in the professionals. In the summer of 1769 the town of Boxford, Massachusetts was on edge. Jonathan Ames’ pretty young wife, Ruth, had taken ill, and when Mrs…
You have had days like the one I’m having — the kind where you can’t seem to get the image of a rubbery-legged Hillary Clinton collapsing like a theme park pooh bear with heat stroke into the bowels of a black van– scraping off a shoe as she goes. The Democratic nominee for the president..
This November, for some Christians, personal holiness will dictate a protest vote against Donald Trump. Is this really conscience, or something darker? Over my years as a believer, I’ve seen personal holiness measured in strange ways. One Sunday morning, after my wife was introduced to a member of the praise team as a “baby Christian,”..
I wrote about the strange martyrdom of #NeverTrump crowd the other day. They could be thrashing and screaming in the Niagra River, approaching the falls, hearing the thunder in the distance, and if Donald Trump was piloting a lavish, gold-canopied Trump cocktail cruiser and throwing out a life-preserver, they would look around for another option..
PEELER, IOWA (ICBTS News) An advance team prepping for Hilary Clinton’s Tuesday appearance here awkwardly stalled and then admitted the candidate had cancelled all Sunday meetings in order to binge watch Amazon Studios “The Man in the High Castle.” Set in 1962, the period counterfactual drama, based on the novel by Philip K. Dick, asks the..
We’re enduring, in America, another populist love affair with socialism, or “democratic Socialism,” as Bernie Sanders defines it, where the old fella seems to admit the government may not be able to manufacture working dishwashers, but it can, somehow, guarantee the lifestyle of the middle class. Hillary Clinton joined in the chorus and declared that..
In Defense of Empire Rand Paul and his pops, should be applauded for defending the Constitution, but thoroughly scolded for lamenting a better way. Newsflash, folks: some ideas are better than others. The term “Arab Spring” might invoke an image of fragrant grains blooming in a once parched desert and a luxury Hilton opening its..