Tag: Bernie Sanders

Case Hardened Idiocy

Don’t bring Boobs to a Brain Fight A friend writes, about Bernie Sanders enthusiastic support for aborting brown babies around the world.. Economic differences aside, the chasm between moral and ethical human beings and those whom the bible terms “the wicked” (fully sold out to the powers and principalities of the air, or Satanic entities)..

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Sharing My Failures

We’re enduring, in America, another populist love affair with socialism, or “democratic Socialism,” as Bernie Sanders defines it, where the old fella seems to admit the government may not be able to manufacture working dishwashers, but it can, somehow, guarantee the lifestyle of the middle class.  Hillary Clinton joined in the chorus and declared that..

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Killing Us Nicely

When Baptist Academics Look Like Perfume Ladies.. I have high standards for Christians.  I expect them to be able to think their way through the consequences of their actions, employing a Biblical world view.  I expect a Christian college to be a kind of “city on a hill,” and that means, that when repugnant ideas..

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