Category: Dominion - page 16

Christ, The Word, The Church, The Republic

Riyadh or River City?

In Defense of Empire Rand Paul and his pops, should be applauded for defending the Constitution, but thoroughly scolded for lamenting a better way. Newsflash, folks:  some ideas are better than others. The term “Arab Spring” might invoke an image of fragrant grains blooming in a once parched desert and a luxury Hilton opening its..

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The Church Isn’t Sexy Enough

In the wake of the Josh Duggar story, it is wise to remember that when a basic human hunger is demonized by church culture, weird things happen to people. Pornography, abuse, homosexuality, infidelity all can be traced to a failure of the church to celebrate sexuality. The church isn’t sexy enough? No, please, I am..

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