Is Anything Actually Being Replaced? It just sounds like more family at the dinner table to me… As usual, I’m catching up to the great theological debates of our times, a few decades late. Some of the dispensationalists make up their own version of the historic, reformed interpretation of “the Israel of God” and..
Category: Dominion - page 21
Christ, The Word, The Church, The Republic
I will confess to being both pleasantly charmed and puzzled by the Sermon on the Mount. As I wrote yesterday, the Savior’s words in Matthew 5:48, (“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father, which is in heaven, is perfect”), should make an honest student of Christ scratch his head. Perfect? Perfect as..
Was Jesus Looking For Pansies? I had a spirited discussion with a pro-life activist yesterday over an incident that took place outside of a clinic recently. A very angry post-abortive father responded to the sidewalk counselors by breaking one of their cameras, hitting one of them in the face, and chasing the remaining counselor..
How I came to understand Christmas Even as a child, I was attracted to university catalogs and course guides. It was a nerdy obsession, to be certain, but it promised such a rosy menu of options. Colleges had a way of wrapping up an entire lifetime for you, in gift paper: Take Economics 101, then..
Randy: It’s who I am. I have no choice.. Paul: Well, forgive me, Randy, but that is just hard to believe… Randy: I’ve known it since I was five years old. Paul: ..
In the summer of 2004, we took all the kids back East to see Boston, Concord, Gettysburg, Mt. Vernon, and Williamsburg. One day, when we were out searching for a pizza place near Harvard, we walked past a crowd of young guys who didn’t quite know how to handle the prospect of such a large..
“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matthew 11:11 You are a piano teacher — the best anywhere really — and suddenly there’s a knock on your door…
Turn the creation story on its head for a moment: Picture a starving Adam, and an emaciated Eve, our first parents, given a stunning garden and just one rule: don’t eat from that tree over there, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve, counter to the actual record, not only..
Call it what you will — Camelot, Emerald City, The Shire, a New Jerusalem — those of us who imagine a great revival and a new Republic imagine a better place that is built, from the ground up, on common assumptions, a law written on the heart. When that really happens, when it’s more than..