Tag: politics

Surfboard Triptych

Seen yesterday: at least a dozen spry old guys in their late 70s, at various points on the beach, trotting along in wet suits, with long boards under their arms, flirting with bikini-clad women five decades their junior.  Silver-chested endless summer.  Jimmy Buffett lives. Surf culture, which was once young, cheap and rebel-spirited is now..

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What if your Church Were a Little Scary?

Psalm 149, Just Sayin’.. I live in California — which on many fronts, is led by certifiably insane political leaders — but, countering that, my small town has more than 40 different Christian churches. I know enough about scripture to entertain a forlorn hope:  that means there are 40 men in this town who consider..

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Seven Rules For Christian Battle

The Idiot’s Guide to Political Battle Planning My people are generally conservatives, church-goers, traditionalists and home-schoolers, the sort of people who fear God and fold their underwear neatly — which means they are usually idiots on the political battle field. There are different standards, my gentle Christian friends, for warfare, courtrooms, and political elections.  You..

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The Idolatry of Silence

Christians who lament the “the false god of politics” may be worshiping a different kind of prostitution.. Idolatry, in our time, wears a much more pleasant Sunday dress than she did 3,000 years ago. She wouldn’t dare put on those old, blood stained robes of Molech. If Hillary Clinton asked her supporters to bow down..

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Help Me, Ladies…

Can someone please tell me how all of this works? Megyn Kelly begins her questioning of Republican candidate Donald Trump with this question:  “..You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals..”  When Trump replies, getting a laugh with a Rosie O’Donnell joke, Megyn won’t be put off. She hammers:  “You..

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