Category: Dominion - page 18

Christ, The Word, The Church, The Republic

We’re Only as Rich as The Village

Don’t worry about that title. I’m a capitalist, down to the bone, blood, and sinew.  During basketball games, as a 6’2″ 9th grader, I sat on the bench reading books about the stock market.  These days, I spend almost all of my spare mental time wondering how I can make my small business grow, since..

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Gay Sharia Law

Christianity is fairly simple:  man is a sinner, and Jesus came to pay the price for those sins: all who truly believe on Him are saved. Unfortunately, under Gay Sharia Law, that may be unapproved expression, subject to fines and jail time.  If you don’t think so, take a look at this story about a..

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The Cloud that Won’t Move

Imagine, as I did the other day, a toddler raised by an ardent, prophecy-hungry, dispensationalist mother. The little boy runs in from the back yard, anxious to discuss some playground injustice. Tommy:  Brendon keeps throwing snails at me!  Mommy:  Did you ask him to stop? Tommy:  I did! Twice! Mommy:  Well, listen, Tommy, we have to remember..

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It Has to Get Worse, Right?

Politichicks ran an article of mine this morning on the subject of having fun.  My super short, mini-micro, two paragraph thesis is that conservatives need to combine celebration, romance, music, good food and fine wine with the task of “taking back America.”  The Bible is a divine record of knowing there is a time for..

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Stop Saying #FirstWorldProblem

There are some truths so obvious you get a bit hoarse repeating them: Phoenix, Arizona is a nicer place to live than Tejarcillos, Costa Rica for a reason.  Seattle, Washington beats Zimbabwe for a reason. Salzburg, Austria trumps Sinhung, North Korea  for a reason.  It’s easier being a woman in Madison, Wisconsin than Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..

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