“What’s it like to take a human life?” “I wouldn’t know. I’ve only ever killed communists.” –Polish Mercenary, Rafał Gan-Ganowicz If you want to make a hardened second amendment guy morph into a pearl-clutching Auntie Em, mix drinking and shooting. In the very odd 2014 film, Leviathan, a band of hard-drinking former Soviets throw a party..
Tag: Progressives
There are some truths so obvious you get a bit hoarse repeating them: Phoenix, Arizona is a nicer place to live than Tejarcillos, Costa Rica for a reason. Seattle, Washington beats Zimbabwe for a reason. Salzburg, Austria trumps Sinhung, North Korea for a reason. It’s easier being a woman in Madison, Wisconsin than Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..
The Passive Aggressive Elitist In case you hadn’t noticed, I tend to just say what I think, to impart whatever dim light I have, and then assume those in the dark corners of the room will appreciate a little glimmer in the coal mine. Light is light. The world is a better place when you..