Even atheists should warm to the idea… Calm down. This will not be a defense of theocracy. My position here is fundamentally rooted in the American story itself, and the governing tools forged at Philadelphia in 1776. (“Christian Nationalism” is NOT “white nationalism,” by the way; people who make that claim don’t understand that Christianity..
Tag: Dominion
Psalm 149, Just Sayin’.. I live in California — which on many fronts, is led by certifiably insane political leaders — but, countering that, my small town has more than 40 different Christian churches. I know enough about scripture to entertain a forlorn hope: that means there are 40 men in this town who consider..
Dominion Over the years, I’ve been very hard on quite a few pastors. I see no reason to stop. My children and grandchildren will have to live in the world they don’t care about, the world they claim—with so much ill considered theology—to have left behind for their citizenship in heaven. To be short, blunt, and..
Not everyone who has a beef with Pharaoh winds up in the promised land. A dreadful number of them find themselves in a compound somewhere, re-stringing the pastor’s electric guitar or juicing organic wheat grass and obsessing over flavorless casseroles for the fellowship potluck. Some of the moms get packed into shapeless denim dresses– sexless,..
The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends. — Proverbs 14:20 Want to stay spiritually closer to your kids and grandkids? Start a family business. Money makes for friendship, this I know — for the Bible tells me so. Most folks have a hard time admitting that, or allowing for..
Call it what you will — Camelot, Emerald City, The Shire, a New Jerusalem — those of us who imagine a great revival and a new Republic imagine a better place that is built, from the ground up, on common assumptions, a law written on the heart. When that really happens, when it’s more than..