Don’t worry about that title. I’m a capitalist, down to the bone, blood, and sinew. During basketball games, as a 6’2″ 9th grader, I sat on the bench reading books about the stock market. These days, I spend almost all of my spare mental time wondering how I can make my small business grow, since..
Tag: Wealth
The morning broke a little warm and windy; the farm’s golden hour looked happy enough, grapevine green and all, fruit fattening up in the summer morning heat, but I was troubled, and then I recalled the source of the worry: I spent an hour or two in a theater yesterday, trying not to weep. Dinesh..
There are some truths so obvious you get a bit hoarse repeating them: Phoenix, Arizona is a nicer place to live than Tejarcillos, Costa Rica for a reason. Seattle, Washington beats Zimbabwe for a reason. Salzburg, Austria trumps Sinhung, North Korea for a reason. It’s easier being a woman in Madison, Wisconsin than Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..