Okay, well, that’s not going to happen, but.. The good news is that it all gets better, kids. With time. With Age. The women I know, in my generation–those who are happily married and even just those who have come to terms with the wonder of working and living on this beautiful orb–don’t measure existence..
Tag: Bill Gothard
The Occupying Church and the Dying Church Life is too short for things that don’t work, and that includes your church fellowship and your theology. I tried to identify two broad divisions of the faith yesterday, and why we really shouldn’t have to choose between the two, even though, in practice, our choices are limited. ..
In the wake of the Josh Duggar story, it is wise to remember that when a basic human hunger is demonized by church culture, weird things happen to people. Pornography, abuse, homosexuality, infidelity all can be traced to a failure of the church to celebrate sexuality. The church isn’t sexy enough? No, please, I am..
Not everyone who has a beef with Pharaoh winds up in the promised land. A dreadful number of them find themselves in a compound somewhere, re-stringing the pastor’s electric guitar or juicing organic wheat grass and obsessing over flavorless casseroles for the fellowship potluck. Some of the moms get packed into shapeless denim dresses– sexless,..
The Bill Gothard Mess.. Somewhere, out on the prairie, a weary, broad-shouldered rancher settles down on a log by the fire. His wife is nearby. She’s gorgeous. She wears cowgirl denim and a blouse tight enough to reveal the Almighty’s blessings without causing pandemonium amongst the hired hands. She slides down onto..