Category: Culture - page 3

Film, Television, Sex, Music, Literature, Pop

2000 Mules, The Enemy Within

Watchable.. There’s an annoying, and inexplicable, contention routinely spouted by the political establishment on both sides of the aisle: “..our election systems are rigorously fair and accountable; election fraud is impossible.  Anyone who questions our voter system integrity is un-American.”  George Stephanopoulos can’t even bring himself to begin an interview on the subject without barking..

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The Burden of Too Many Podiums

In the era of blogs and podcasts and independent, streaming news, I’ve been hesitant to agree when people blame “the media” for our problems.  Personally,  I can’t imagine taking CNN or MSNBC’s word for anything.  I certainly don’t agree with everything I hear on Fox and I can’t imagine slogging through a daily diet of..

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