Category: Culture - page 30

Film, Television, Sex, Music, Literature, Pop

The Office Supply Singers

I suppose I make an odd culture warrior.   I don’t fit the James Dobson brand.  I hate the war on drugs, along with its serial abuses against the Bill of Rights.    I don’t think the church talks enough about sex,  and it certainly doesn’t do a very good job celebrating the sort of..

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Review: Wish, Stand, Reader, Mean, Blackfish

Wish You Were Here (2012) I have a weakness for movies about western couples who visit some exotic third world hell hole and wonder what in the world they were thinking when they planned the trip. Moral of the story:  stay away from Cambodia.   This was extremely well executed, with incredible performances by Joel Edgerton..

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GLAAD: Conviction Control

Doing the Dictators Proud Here is what I still find startling about the entire GLAAD public communications manifesto: removing sexuality and religion from the discussion for a moment, the precedent of any group declaring a preemptive ban on criticism feels creepy and totalitarian. Imagine yourself unable to express, say, any negative opinion about Republican leadership..

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Pajama Boy Religion

“God Hates Rural Jackasses” Or… A Few Thoughts on Pastor Michael Hiltzik’s Recent Sermon in the Los Angeles Times If you never grew up in a religious community, you might not understand how religious you really are.   Even if you claim to be a proud, free-sailing atheist, you do have a religion;  you do..

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Review: Touchy Feely (2013)

Some films almost feel as though they deserve a workshop over a review, and Touchy Feely–with its invitation to participate in painfully awkward, claustrophobic family conversations and vast stretches of unexplained premise–certainly qualifies.   You don’t wait 20 minutes to understand the  story here. You get to wait forever. Directed by Lynn Shelton,  Rosemary DeWitt..

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