Category: Politics - page 4

Elections, Journalism, Tea Party

It’s Mandatory, Peasant!

So, following on Bill De Blasio’s New York inoculation edict, I guess the Secretary of Defense is the most recent public authority to call for mandatory vaccination among active duty members of the armed forces. My abiding question:  let’s just suppose, for the sake of argument, the good folks in public health, and the politicians who..

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Vaccine Mandates and Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”

“Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones..” With the possible exception of cafeteria pizza on Fridays, nothing feels, to me, more “late 20th century public school” than reading and discussing Shirley Jackson’s 1948 short story, “The Lottery”  I think, in my own case, we may have been assigned it twice, and it..

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Today’s Big Box of Pure Gobbledygook

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, president of Stanford University, reminds the alumni, on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death, that awful things have happened in this country, that these awful things are being studied, that new “clusters” of race-specialist faculty are being hired to combat the awful things, that they have a flashy new acronym (“IDEAL” — Inclusion,..

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Surfboard Triptych

Seen yesterday: at least a dozen spry old guys in their late 70s, at various points on the beach, trotting along in wet suits, with long boards under their arms, flirting with bikini-clad women five decades their junior.  Silver-chested endless summer.  Jimmy Buffett lives. Surf culture, which was once young, cheap and rebel-spirited is now..

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