A young member of our fellowship wanted to know how she could better engage with the Word. My wife, in her reading plan, is walking ponderously, with long suffering, through the book of Job. Having conquered Numbers, quite a few times, I’m always a little chagrined to remember there are quite a few more..
Author: James Riley - page 46
Red Blooded Christianity Why Ted Nugent is a Better Missionary than Rick Warren I’ve been writing about sex and wine a lot, and it’s not just because I love the stuff; it’s because God does too, and he’s looking for real men and women who actually want “life,” and to “have it more abundantly.” I..
The year is 1967. I am standing in a long hall of monumental statuary and painting, and I am wearing a cub scout uniform, along with several other boys from my church. We are about the business of culture here, an art museum of some sort. This little afternoon field trip is meant to sprinkle..
The morning broke a little warm and windy; the farm’s golden hour looked happy enough, grapevine green and all, fruit fattening up in the summer morning heat, but I was troubled, and then I recalled the source of the worry: I spent an hour or two in a theater yesterday, trying not to weep. Dinesh..
There are some truths so obvious you get a bit hoarse repeating them: Phoenix, Arizona is a nicer place to live than Tejarcillos, Costa Rica for a reason. Seattle, Washington beats Zimbabwe for a reason. Salzburg, Austria trumps Sinhung, North Korea for a reason. It’s easier being a woman in Madison, Wisconsin than Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..
The sunset fell across the courtyard at King’s Fish House last night in a way that glittered through a bottle of Chardonnay and made a big ruby jewel out of Mary’s wine glass. My granddaughter, Willy, one hand palm-flat to her cartoon canvas and the other holding a trident bundle of crayons, appeared to ponder..
Not everyone who has a beef with Pharaoh winds up in the promised land. A dreadful number of them find themselves in a compound somewhere, re-stringing the pastor’s electric guitar or juicing organic wheat grass and obsessing over flavorless casseroles for the fellowship potluck. Some of the moms get packed into shapeless denim dresses– sexless,..
Last week, my older brother Mike got one of those calls no father can ever really process: There had been a car accident. His son David, David’s wife Becky, and their four children were in a car accident. Becky (35) had been killed. The children, all eight years or under, were being rushed to the..
The Passive Aggressive Elitist In case you hadn’t noticed, I tend to just say what I think, to impart whatever dim light I have, and then assume those in the dark corners of the room will appreciate a little glimmer in the coal mine. Light is light. The world is a better place when you..
“A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up..” It’s been a bone-weary two weeks. I performed Patrick Henry five straight nights last week, and four straight nights this week. We had a county water well inspection this week, several meetings about the farm..