Seen yesterday: at least a dozen spry old guys in their late 70s, at various points on the beach, trotting along in wet suits, with long boards under their arms, flirting with bikini-clad women five decades their junior. Silver-chested endless summer. Jimmy Buffett lives. Surf culture, which was once young, cheap and rebel-spirited is now..
Tag: Family
The Hinge My six children—age 16 to 27—are no longer fragile. Their eyes are clear, their limbs strong; they parade through the world like young mustangs, their young in tow. It is Thanksgiving and I glory, for some reason, in it being on a Thursday. The world closes down shop, rolls down the steel cage..
Early on in my married life, I was introduced to a Greek Orthodox tradition that involved showing up at the church with cups of a dish made (I think) from rice, cinnamon, and raisins and serving it to the congregants as they left the church. The ritual had something to do with remembering the dead..
My wife, years ago, wooed me into the long vacation. I’m aware that the John Cheever gentry might have seen vacation or “summering” as something that extended out for three or four months at the shore, but for me, as a child, the “long vacation” was two weeks. It was a mythical thing. We never..
The sunset fell across the courtyard at King’s Fish House last night in a way that glittered through a bottle of Chardonnay and made a big ruby jewel out of Mary’s wine glass. My granddaughter, Willy, one hand palm-flat to her cartoon canvas and the other holding a trident bundle of crayons, appeared to ponder..
To the makers of the Fleetwood “Jamboree Sport” recreational vehicle: I’ve debated how to begin this diplomatically, but perhaps I should just ask the question straight out of the gate and be done with it. What did I ever do to you? I don’t believe we’ve even been properly introduced. Yes, years and years ago,..