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The Approved Uglies

Keep the List Small, Please Certain conversations are not allowed, nor are certain associations. We don’t seek out the company of pathological liars.  We don’t invite women who have a habit of hitting on married men to dinner parties.   We don’t invite Holocaust deniers to speak on public platforms, (unless you’re Columbia University.)  We..

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The Office Supply Singers

I suppose I make an odd culture warrior.   I don’t fit the James Dobson brand.  I hate the war on drugs, along with its serial abuses against the Bill of Rights.    I don’t think the church talks enough about sex,  and it certainly doesn’t do a very good job celebrating the sort of..

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Review: Wish, Stand, Reader, Mean, Blackfish

Wish You Were Here (2012) I have a weakness for movies about western couples who visit some exotic third world hell hole and wonder what in the world they were thinking when they planned the trip. Moral of the story:  stay away from Cambodia.   This was extremely well executed, with incredible performances by Joel Edgerton..

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If He Steals Your Coat, Give Him Your Wife?

Was Jesus Looking For Pansies? I had a spirited discussion with a pro-life activist yesterday over an incident that took place outside of a clinic recently.   A very angry post-abortive father responded to the sidewalk counselors by breaking one of their cameras, hitting one of them in the face, and chasing the remaining counselor..

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Novel Start: Arcadia

We were fighting over an airplane. That was my first memory.   The airplane was an apple crate, and we were three years old, and when you sat inside the crate, you imagined the cockpit and the wings and the propeller, and I remember it being a pretty good little reverie, especially if you could..

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Jimmy Carter In Domestic Violence Dispute

Plains, Georgia ICBTS News – Witnesses describe a disheveled Jimmy Carter sitting on the curb, explaining his side of an altercation that took place between former President Carter and his wife Rosalynn, shortly after 11 PM Sunday night. “These things happen,” said Sergeant Ronnie ‘Ducks’ Hickson, of the Plains sheriff’s department.  Earlier in the evening,..

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