Shunning and Shaming

The Power of Making Someone Feel Despicable.. Picture a world where violent, armed bank robbery was so much a part of the social landscape that some hard left cities actually created “sanctuary” provision for it. This, of course, would represent even greater chaos than we now endure: capital would disappear, banking operations would assume combat..

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The Approved Uglies

Keep the List Small, Please Certain conversations are not allowed, nor are certain associations. We don’t seek out the company of pathological liars.  We don’t invite women who have a habit of hitting on married men to dinner parties.   We don’t invite Holocaust deniers to speak on public platforms, (unless you’re Columbia University.)  We..

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GLAAD: Conviction Control

Doing the Dictators Proud Here is what I still find startling about the entire GLAAD public communications manifesto: removing sexuality and religion from the discussion for a moment, the precedent of any group declaring a preemptive ban on criticism feels creepy and totalitarian. Imagine yourself unable to express, say, any negative opinion about Republican leadership..

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