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Stop Twitching, NeverTrumpers

Clinical Comfort for Erick Erickson and others suffering from Trump Averse Syndrome Trump-Averse syndrome has many incarnations, but for a few pundits, the behavior calls to mind the hilarious apoplexy of Herbert Lom’s Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther. Upon hearing a positive Donald headline, the Trump-averse coffee-spewer will start twitching, and fretting, and..

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This Fall, Jesus is a Republican

“Hey, can I get some help with the groceries?” “Love to, but I’m a citizen of heaven.  I’m not really even here.”   Let’s just take a look, folks, at a few of our problems, here on this earthly plane — as we’re working out our Citizen of Heaven obligations. Last night, and the night..

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The Price of Purity

Mea culpa. I have to come clean.  Try to learn something from my mistakes. I am hard on some of you #NeverTrumpers, but I was once something like you — a dedicated, self-satisfied, high conscience loser, waiting for America to catch up with my standards.  It goes way back to 1972, when my mom had..

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Demeanor, Training, and All That Important Stuff..

I wrote about the strange martyrdom of #NeverTrump crowd the other day.  They could be thrashing and screaming in the Niagra River, approaching the falls, hearing the thunder in the distance, and if Donald Trump was piloting a lavish, gold-canopied Trump cocktail cruiser and throwing out a life-preserver, they would look around for another option..

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Hear Me Roar?

When a small, veiled woman never spoke, as her husband attacked Trump’s sacrifice and Constitutional literacy, Donald’s response only expressed what we were all thinking.. It shouldn’t be that startling an idea, but apparently people need reminding:  different cultures produce different outcomes.  If your family honor depends on scholarship, you’re bound to have a few..

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Why Men and Women Shouldn’t Lecture Each Other About Sex

..with free advice to women on the subject of being irresistible At age 56, having raised six kids, having been married happily to the same woman for 28 years, having endured the 1980s dating scene, (and even a toxic gauntlet of man-killing feminist Stanford coeds),  having come back to Christ, having studied God’s word, I’ve..

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Christianity and the Election of 2016

People wonder why I attend a house church.  Isn’t it obvious? Blogger Matt Walsh is upset with Christians in South Carolina, for voting Donald Trump in big numbers, but we should all ask ourselves the question:  why would we expect anything else?  Why would we expect self-identified Christians to be sophisticated policy thinkers? Why would..

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