Doing the Dictators Proud Here is what I still find startling about the entire GLAAD public communications manifesto: removing sexuality and religion from the discussion for a moment, the precedent of any group declaring a preemptive ban on criticism feels creepy and totalitarian. Imagine yourself unable to express, say, any negative opinion about Republican leadership..
Tag: Duck Dynasty
“God Hates Rural Jackasses” Or… A Few Thoughts on Pastor Michael Hiltzik’s Recent Sermon in the Los Angeles Times If you never grew up in a religious community, you might not understand how religious you really are. Even if you claim to be a proud, free-sailing atheist, you do have a religion; you do..
The Market Place of Approved Ideas A few of my friends are Phil Robertson scoffers, not because they disagree with his position on New Testament sexual morality, but because they feel certain the controversy was manufactured. A revelation of this sort makes the already shrill gay lobby scream bloody murder, and the faithful rush..
Randy: It’s who I am. I have no choice.. Paul: Well, forgive me, Randy, but that is just hard to believe… Randy: I’ve known it since I was five years old. Paul: ..
In the summer of 2004, we took all the kids back East to see Boston, Concord, Gettysburg, Mt. Vernon, and Williamsburg. One day, when we were out searching for a pizza place near Harvard, we walked past a crowd of young guys who didn’t quite know how to handle the prospect of such a large..