Search results for: sex - page 5

Shunning and Shaming

The Power of Making Someone Feel Despicable.. Picture a world where violent, armed bank robbery was so much a part of the social landscape that some hard left cities actually created “sanctuary” provision for it. This, of course, would represent even greater chaos than we now endure: capital would disappear, banking operations would assume combat..

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What if your Church Were a Little Scary?

Psalm 149, Just Sayin’.. I live in California — which on many fronts, is led by certifiably insane political leaders — but, countering that, my small town has more than 40 different Christian churches. I know enough about scripture to entertain a forlorn hope:  that means there are 40 men in this town who consider..

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Theory: Life and Death

Thinking out loud.  Probably nothing, but I was wondering what it is that ties together unlikely bedfellows like gay activists, jihadists, socialists and radical environmentalists.  Why, for example, do you find the defenders of a fluid sexuality that would get you thrown off buildings in Iran ridiculing any objection to Sharia law in the west?..

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Case Hardened Idiocy

Don’t bring Boobs to a Brain Fight A friend writes, about Bernie Sanders enthusiastic support for aborting brown babies around the world.. Economic differences aside, the chasm between moral and ethical human beings and those whom the bible terms “the wicked” (fully sold out to the powers and principalities of the air, or Satanic entities)..

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