Category: Culture - page 27

Film, Television, Sex, Music, Literature, Pop

Dr. Alfred B. Joyless

If your pastor sounds like he’s Taliban, he just might be.. I consider the preaching on the right obscene.  Disgusting. Spiritually ugly.   An affront to the gospel. He reminds me of General Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, obsessed with “bodily fluids,” except that Reverend Al here appears to have perfected a “crack of the buttocks” version…

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Chill, Kid

The Freeze-Dried Adolescent A kid recently scolded me for posting music on Facebook.  He wanted to know how a grown man, with six kids, could spend so much time sharing music with his friends. Well, it got me thinking about an age-divided culture.. Over some good Chardonnay last night, I self-healed on music therapy:  you..

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