I don’t watch a lot of cable TV, but while traveling and taking in Gordon Ramsay’s “Nightmare Kitchen,” I was struck by the tonal difference between Ramsay brutally bringing restaurant owners to tears and a Facebook ad quietly assuring us their advanced algorithms and their community standards team had removed 17 million dangerous posts. On the..
Tag: Facebook
They really must hate feeling like little Hitlers.. So I’m in Facebook jail again for 3 days. I shared a picture a friend sent me. I’m guessing the sort of people who would turn people in for playing in a park or giving someone a haircut don’t like, not even a little bit, that cringe-twinge..
ABC, CBS, NBC becomes FB, Twitter, YouTube I saw another friend arbitrarily Facebook-jailed today for thirty days, and — as is becoming more and more the case — there doesn’t even seem to be a “lefty/progressive” reason behind the ban. I’m sensing that your profile starts to fall, generally, too far on the right side..
Again.. There’s something about breaking an eleven year habit that focuses your attention–and it’s actually a 30 year habit if we go back to computer bulletin boards, CompuServe, AOL, Xanga, and all the rest. I was a first generation “new product heat seeker” when it comes to having long arguments with people online, and making real..
You are still in jail So, Facebook doesn’t make it very easy, but I found out why I was jailed: Bette Midler. She wrote a vulgar poem about the President’s penis and Breitbart reported it. I posted it — and violated those Facebook Community Standards, at least in the view of some troll who follows..
Debating I’m actually debating whether or not to return to Facebook now that my jail sentence is up. Think about it this way. Suppose you enjoy a tavern where all your friends hang out, and you’ve spent quite a bit of time there. You truly enjoy the company; the company enjoys you, for the most..
You can think whatever you want, as long as we agree… “..While they were celebrating, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, surrounded the house, pounding the door; and they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, “Bring out the man who came into your house that we may have relations..
..and viral marketing My most recent Facebook Jailing is a good excuse for me to think out loud about what I’ve come to conclude is the false hope of viral audience building on social networks. But first, read my offending blog and see if you can tell me how that might offend Facebook Community Standards…
As near as I can tell, most of the Facebook “jailing,” (both my own 24 hour suspension and in the case of a few friends), takes place because of “posting while kafir.” As Facebook moves into middle eastern and Euro-think markets, all it takes is a few sensitive souls who can’t take any criticism of..
So I was walking through the Reno, Nevada Costco yesterday, provisioning a family trip. There are eleven of us vacationing on a fairly remote lake for two weeks, and an express run to the grocery store in these parts can cost $300 or more, so we were filling two and half shopping carts with ribs..