Category: Dominion - page 2

Christ, The Word, The Church, The Republic

John MacArthur is no R.C. Sproul

The Wildly Popular Bible Teacher Lacks Depth.. There is much to be said for John MacArthur.  He has a high view of scripture and he’s not afraid of being unpopular. After waffling a bit early on in the Covid crisis, he opened his church for worship and defied county and state mandates banning group worship. ..

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Children of the Snake

Epstein’s victims: a metaphor for all of us.. It’s a heart-breaking, cruel and baffling picture:  a dewy young woman– anxious to make her mark in the world–is promised the glories of high-society introductions, admission to elite universities, and professional advancement in a club that is chock full of billionaires and luminaries. And, by the way,..

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Right To Life: “We Were Just Kidding”

It’s not really a child.. Seventy different “Pro-Life” organizations penned an open letter on the subject of criminalizing abortion this week.  With the anticipated fall of Roe V. Wade, many states are proposing criminal penalties for providing or seeking an abortion.  There has been a huge amount of disinformation purveyed by pro-abortion groups on this..

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Vaccine Mandates and Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”

“Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones..” With the possible exception of cafeteria pizza on Fridays, nothing feels, to me, more “late 20th century public school” than reading and discussing Shirley Jackson’s 1948 short story, “The Lottery”  I think, in my own case, we may have been assigned it twice, and it..

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