Category: Culture - page 11

Film, Television, Sex, Music, Literature, Pop


Binge-worthiness here.  Two seasons, 12 episodes a season, with, apparently, another season on the way.  It’s nice not “knowing” any of the faces, because the acting and the writing speak for themselves. Lots of examples of the “unfinished scene” here — in a good way.  A case is delivered.  The terrorist thanks his uncle for..

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What I learned from Don Lemon

“It’s not the same when we do it” On modern American race relations, I have come to realize I have been too innocent, linear and naïve.  I always thought it was a straightforward reality: never judge an individual and certainly never discriminate against an individual based on their broader associations – race, religion, ethnic group,..

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Walk Out, Tune Out..

You can ask, I guess.. Against my better judgment, I engaged a young “walk-out” correspondent on Facebook.  I couldn’t help noticing a striking similarity to a conversation I had with an “Occupy” couple a few years ago. In both cases, the young, earnest protesters were unapologetic for having no idea what they were talking about. ..

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Look at the Snake, Stupid..

Startling Simplicity I tend to superficially over-think religious subjects. I say “superficially” because my attorney friend, Tom Eastmond, reminded me about David Hume’s “is-ought” problem, and when you get under the hood with the metaphysical uber-thinkers, it humbles you. You get that “nothing new under the sun” feeling. Someone has already seen this here thing…

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The Secret Handshakes of the Faith

Which Cable Gets you to Heaven? I spent my 58th birthday organizing my USB cables and engaging, half-heartedly, in a theological debate on Facebook. I wasn’t “all in,” because you get the sense, sometimes, that some fellow believers just don’t share the same assumptions, even remotely, about the faith, and so there is very little..

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