Author: James Riley - page 36

System Restore

As I’ve recently explained, I’m going to be using Facebook less and less, which means I have to start running this site with some attention to building an audience and that means getting your email addresses.  I will automate this soon, but in the meantime, if you would like to join the audience, use..

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Re-thinking the Campfire

More On “Facebook Jail” My incarceration is my own fault — not because I wrote anything “hateful” or anything that violates “Facebook Community Standards.”  It’s my own fault because I naively believed Facebook actually had an objective standard. If you take the time to read that soupy flimflam of corporate gray-speak, you’ll find that they..

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Facebook Jail

I am currently in Facebook jail for,  they say, a period of 24 hours: this in response to a post I made several weeks ago about the Somalian-American police officer who shot a woman from inside his squad car.  The absence of any preliminary reporting on the motive for the shooting prompted me to ask..

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It Takes More than the Sinner’s Prayer

There’s a little known encounter that took place shortly after Hernando Cortés’ band of soldiers gained victory over the Aztecs in 1519. After subduing Tenochtitlan, the native people began preparing for the festival of Toxcatl, in honor of their harvest god, Tezcatlipoca. When Cortés’ lieutenant, Pedro de Alvarado learned that this festival would climax in..

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Seven Rules For Christian Battle

The Idiot’s Guide to Political Battle Planning My people are generally conservatives, church-goers, traditionalists and home-schoolers, the sort of people who fear God and fold their underwear neatly — which means they are usually idiots on the political battle field. There are different standards, my gentle Christian friends, for warfare, courtrooms, and political elections.  You..

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Eating and Drinking the White House

Al Mohler attaches more holiness to the presidency than he does to the Lord’s Table Hey, isn’t it great that Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is getting so much time on MSNBC these days?  I imagine he’s really winning some hearts for Christ there among the Rachel Maddow fans and the people who miss..

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Pray, but Take the Helm

This election is different from all others in that apparently God really is in control. I mean there’s no doubt about it this time. Even my free will friends, after a difficult, heated discussion about our election choices, put a hand on my shoulder and say, “don’t worry about this; God is still on his..

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