Author: James Riley - page 27

My Super Power

The Editors of Psychic Sass Magazine were given permission to interview a junior faculty member at the secretive Brinwood Academy—an institution thought to be dedicated to the education of children with “super powers.” The faculty member granted access on the condition of anonymity, so he appears here as “Tim Tedesco.” Molly Sinclair conducted the interview for..

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After Clicking, Ohio Man Reads ENTIRE Article

Columbus, OH • ICBTS News In a development social network engineers are worried about, an Ohio construction manager, Tim Tedesco, was recently identified as a news and blog reader who goes beyond the Open Graph description property, clicks the link, and—even more concerning—reads the entire article. Using sophisticated scroll-bar analysis, Tedesco’s account was flagged as a..

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New Study: Pearl Clutching Men Less Attractive

Madison, WI • ICBTS News Hollick University researchers have concluded a study covering the reaction of women to men who “pearl clutch” and have concluded that sexual revulsion is five times more likely in women observing men who compulsively signal fear and peevish disdain when faced with stimulus that is considered trivial. The study was conducted..

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Are You in the Dead Church?

The Occupying Church and the Dying Church Life is too short for things that don’t work, and that includes your church fellowship and your theology. I tried to identify two broad divisions of the faith yesterday, and why we really shouldn’t have to choose between the two, even though, in practice, our choices are limited. ..

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