Author: James Riley - page 23

Our Mutual Fight

They are Coming For You Too If you are dropping by here for the first time, you may have seen my appearance on TBN’s Huckabee TV.  You can follow me on Facebook here, but I infinitely prefer you join my email list, since no social network is safe anymore. (There’s a join form at the..

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What I learned from Don Lemon

“It’s not the same when we do it” On modern American race relations, I have come to realize I have been too innocent, linear and naïve.  I always thought it was a straightforward reality: never judge an individual and certainly never discriminate against an individual based on their broader associations – race, religion, ethnic group,..

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Jim Crow for White Daddies

The Content of Our Character? I find this startling: polite company, these days, apparently allows you to make sweeping, racist commentary about white men over fifty. A few years ago, I thought this was just the shrew-cackle of some far left feminists with daddy issues, engaging in the sort of edgy racism that would go..

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Walk Out, Tune Out..

You can ask, I guess.. Against my better judgment, I engaged a young “walk-out” correspondent on Facebook.  I couldn’t help noticing a striking similarity to a conversation I had with an “Occupy” couple a few years ago. In both cases, the young, earnest protesters were unapologetic for having no idea what they were talking about. ..

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Look at the Snake, Stupid..

Startling Simplicity I tend to superficially over-think religious subjects. I say “superficially” because my attorney friend, Tom Eastmond, reminded me about David Hume’s “is-ought” problem, and when you get under the hood with the metaphysical uber-thinkers, it humbles you. You get that “nothing new under the sun” feeling. Someone has already seen this here thing…

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