Tag: Legalism

Look at the Snake, Stupid..

Startling Simplicity I tend to superficially over-think religious subjects. I say “superficially” because my attorney friend, Tom Eastmond, reminded me about David Hume’s “is-ought” problem, and when you get under the hood with the metaphysical uber-thinkers, it humbles you. You get that “nothing new under the sun” feeling. Someone has already seen this here thing…

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Christmas, Roundabout…

I have a soft spot for anyone seeking an explanation for the universe, and our place in it.  I suppose that even includes the judgmental and the irritating, because the pursuit itself is desperate for self assurance.  We’re all trying to box up our foggy doubts, to turn our spiritual conjecture into solid stepping stones,..

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The deck outside our kitchen window is newly finished, and it aches for teak furniture of some sort, and striped cotton pillows, and iced buckets of chardonnay and the barbecue simmer of steak and green peppers in olive oil.   Music would be nice–and friends, of course–and one of those well-buttered conversations that sizzles on..

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The Horror of Moderation

Turn the creation story on its head for a moment:  Picture a starving Adam, and an emaciated Eve, our first parents, given a stunning garden and just one rule:  don’t eat from that tree over there, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Adam and Eve, counter to the actual record, not only..

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