Provincetown, MA — ICBTS News

A fatigued but hopeful Kevin Spacey inspected work on a series of bunk houses in this beach resort town recently, during a break in the production of “House of Cards.”  The 58 year old award winning actor has found time recently to review progress on a project very close to his heart:  a drama camp he’s building for teenage boys.

“Let’s face it,” Spacey said, “people think I’m smarmy, with a strong creepy vibe.  I get that.  I’ve used that to my advantage.  But really I’ve always wanted an opportunity to give back.  I’m really a very generous person.”

Spacey walked the grounds of “Camp Ganymede,” anxious to show off the weight room, spa, and communal tea room.  “It’s going to be a place where young men can learn to act under the active and supportive hand of a master.”  He appeared to half sigh, half giggle, under his breath.  “If you’ll allow me that.”

Asked if this might not be the best time for him to open a camp for young men, Spacey shrugged. “Listen, when Roman Polanski was on the verge of being arrested for that bit of trouble, Whoopi Goldberg and most of Hollywood covered for him–as a matter of professional courtesy.  Why should I expect less?”

