Tag: SSC

Adjusting For Size

At first, when the frogs all started getting bigger, people thought it was cute.  It wasn’t a plague, after all.  They weren’t roiling and pulsing across the plane—threatening invasion.  You didn’t find them between the bed sheets, or massing on the lawn furniture. It’s just that the damn things were getting larger. “Everett found one..

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A Short Story So I guess I have to say I’m happily conventional. Bottom line, I’m not even likely to buy a house without cornice moulding, much less spike my hair, wear pink shorts, chant cross-legged, or apologize for the Fourth of July.  You can do that if you want to, but I got very..

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The Rattled Cage

A Short Story At the beginning of the pandemic, Russell Pym had been indulging a new reading obsession, “all things flu.” The possibility of sudden, arresting lung failure, of drowning in his own fluids, of dying at age 27, all of that worked like a steel rasp grating away at the soft pine in his..

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The Devil Owns the Surf

A Short Story My theory is we all want to be one of the chosen people, so don’t get all judgmental about this. I’m guessing you’re the same: You got pledged by the Dekes instead of that vaguely criminal but very cool fraternity, the guys who brought hip flasks and peyote to midterms, the ones..

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